This show presents a
mosaic of polyphonic tableau with the Indian Song choir structured
around the duo of Ravi Prasad and Monica de la Fuente, living facet
of Indian culture in a contemporary angle.
Adress: Auditorium, 6 avenue François Mitterand -
31130 BALMA
Date: saturday, september 28, 2013 at 20:30
Price : 12 €/10 €
Réservations : 05 61 80 15 36
Polyphonic and gesture
creation, born from the artistic encounter between Ravi Prasad and
Monica De La Fuente and their explorating connections between voice
and dance gestures with a choir (20 singers). The music composed by
Ravi Prasad, nourished by South's India folk or sacred music, voice
and body language interact. Indian mudras (symbolic gestures of the
hands) express emotions and feelings.
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